Research Reflection

  1. Where did you find your source?
  2. In your search for sources, did you encounter many possible sources or just a few? Based on how many sources you found, do you think your research question is on the right track? Is it too broad? Too narrow? How might you refine it?
    I encountered a plethora of sources using Google. The topic is just right on track for fruition.
  3. What did you learn from your sources? Did you learn anything that surprised you or particularly interested you?
    I learned the political weight behind the issue. Both Google and a few non-profit organizations are involved in ensuring Net Neutrality. I learned something that did surprise me, I was not expecting this much involvement from non-profits.
  4. How has your understanding and/or opinion about your topic changed or expanded?
    I learned something about the opposition that resounded well within my mind. I understand how some of these big telecoms would like to push for non Net Neutrality so they do not have to pay for the infrastructure upgrades. Interesting look into the issue.
  5. What new questions do you have about your topic?
    What is being currently done to ensure Net Neutrality?
  6. How do you think you can incorporate these particular sources into your argument essay?
    I will be able to incorporate the definition of Net Neutrality, as well as the different, and political views regarding the issue.
  7. Where do you plan to go from here? What types of other sources do you want to look for and where?
    I actually feel very learned about this subject. Maybe look for a few scientific journals for more weight.

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